Byting Bulldogs' Twelfth Year

This year was an absolutely amazing year! We made it to Michigan’s States and won our field there, and Worlds too, as Finalists on our field. We traveled throughout Michigan, to Pittsburgh, and down to Houston. Like many other teams, many of our kids had little to no prior experience this year but we persevered. With successful and consistent Triple climbs, where all robots on our alliance were on the bar, we ended the season ranked 9th in Michigan overall on Blue Alliance with two blue banners. Then in the offseason, we proceeded to win Girl’s Competition, and place in the Ketting Competition!

The Robot, “General Grevious ”

Meet our new robot General Grievous! Named after the infamous General Grievous from Star Wars who has 4 arms that fold out. It’s a swerve drive robot with four climb arms, which fold out to climb to the Traversal Bar, and an intake that can shoot both the High and Low Goal. This bot won 2 competitions, took us to States, and Worlds!


  • District Rochester Event

    • District #4 Seed

    • Captain of Alliance 3

    • District Finalist

    • Judges Award

  • Greater Pittsburgh Regional

    • Regional #1 Seed

    • Captian of Alliance 1

    • Regional Winner

    • Quality Award winner

  • Macomb Community College District Event

    •  District #5 Seed

    • Captain of Alliance 4

    • Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

  • Michigan State Championships

    • District 1st Seed

    • Captain of Alliance 1

    • Division Championship Winner

    • Innovation in Control Award

  • Houston World Championships

    • Field Finalist

    • Ranked 31st out of 450 teams

The Game

Rapid React is played by two alliances of three teams each, with each team controlling a robot and completing specific actions in order to score points. The game revolves around both alliances shooting inflatable balls known as Cargo into a central Hub and climbing within their Hangars at the end of the match. The overall objective of each match is to score more points than the opposing alliance before the match ends.

2022 Rapid React Robot Reveal & Recap